Monday, September 26, 2011

Sept. 6th Email:

From the sounds of things everything is going well back at home! Sense yesterday all the libraries where closed cause of Labor Day, I’m at the library today (Tuesday) and transfer calls are tonight! I’m excited but not at the same time, cause I love this area, and I want to stay here there is a good chance that I could be leaving, which would not be bad either cause I want to have the experience of serving in other areas.
But I need to tell you about this wonderful story that happened to elder Decker and me the other day!

So on Saturday! We were biking and all of our appointments were falling through, and it felt like nothing was getting done, it was terrible, and we stopped on the side of the road, and I was like elder Decker, what do we need to do? And he was like (I have no idea) and I said well lets go find a miracle! So with this new attitude we started biking and honestly not 10 seconds later a car pulled in front of us and yelling! ‘‘Are you guys Mormons??!!'' we said yes and he asked if we had something that he could read! we gave him a restoration pamphlet and got his info, he said he didn’t have time to meet with us right then but that we could stop by in a few days, we have plans to go stop by there today.
 But elder Decker and I, although that was a miracle it wasn’t the one we were looking for, so we continued on our quest! and we biked down a few streets that we have only been a few times, and we got pretty far down, and we decided on going to see a potential that we talked to the other day, and there is a freeway called US-54 and other a few of the main big roads cross it, and we were on a small road, so I told elder Decker in order for us to get across the freeway, we would have to go back to the main road we were on, and cross so that we could get over the freeway, and he said no I think we should go this way, and I fought it, I said it would be so much faster to go this other way, and again he said no lets go this way, and yet again I said that doesn’t make sense, and then he said "there is someone on this street that we need to talk to" and so finally I got over my pride and we started biking down the street.
 the first person we saw on the street was this African American lady sitting in her front yard, having a yard sale, we stopped and started talking to her, it started to rain, so we asked if we could help her move all of her things into her house so that it didn’t get all wet, she graciously agreed, we moved everything in her front yard into her house as fast as possible, when we got it all done, I noticed 2 tablets, which were the 10 commandments and the Lord’s prayer, she asked me if I wanted them, I asked her how much? (sense I only had the 2 dollar bill that mom gave me I was hoping not very much money) and she said for free, I then said to her, that if she was willing to give me this for free, could I give her something, she agreed, we got out one of the copies of the book of Mormon that we had, and handed it to her, and talked about the prophet Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon, it was so amazing cause while we were talking to her we asked her if she was a member of any church, she said she grew up in one, but as she became older she realized that there are so many churches that agree on the bible but teach totally different doctrine, so the Joseph Smith story hit her hard.
Elder Decker and I bore testimony, and asked her if we could come back, she said she would love for us to! It was a wonderful, experience, and it was the miracle we were looking for.
on Sunday (which was fast Sunday) I wanted to bear my testimony but there was a long line of people, and we were already over time, so I decided not to, but I still had that prompting, so after sacrament, there is 2 classes that are held, the gospel doctrine class, and the gospel essentials class, we attend the gospel essentials, cause that’s where our investigators go, but I felt like I still needed to bear my testimony, so elder Decker and I went into the gospel doctrine class, where most of the adults go to class, and we bore testimony about the love that god has for all of his children!
and who knows how our testimonies affected the people, but sometimes we ignore the promptings of the spirit, and we have been helping our ward be ready for the promptings when they come, as I have told you in past emails that we have been giving out these missionary weapons training kits ( they are zip lock bags with pamphlets, 2 copies of the BoM and some pass along cards) but we have been giving these to the members to put in their cars, so that when they receive the prompting to give someone something that they will have the materials that will best help the person that needs it, and I know that this is a scary thing but I’ve seen the success from it, so family, will you put 1 or 2 copies of the book of Mormon in your trunk or in your car or something, cause really we never know when we will be put in a situation where we could really help someone else, and not have the thing that will change their life right there on the spot, but I know you will be given opportunities by doing so! And I have faith that you guys will be awesome missionaries! (after all you guys helped me get where I am today, and I’m not saying I’m an awesome missionary but I’ve learned how to help others by being helped from you!)

I love you all and look forward to hearing from you! Keep me posted on things going on in your life, cause I pray for you all every night! And I want to know where I can help!
Stay sweet my awesome family! yall are the best!
From your Friend, Lil Bro, and Son! Elder Spencer Dahl

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