Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It all starts here:

oh my gosh you have no idea. the days are blurred together! haha it feels like iv been here for 2 days but also like 2 years. hope that makes sense. i learn so much, not really doctorine but how to rely on the spirit to help you teach! i taught a non-mormon guy in his 20's who is from africa! and it was so nuts! we didnt know he wasnt LDS until after he left! to be honest i dont recall a time when i felt the spririt testify to me so strongly! his name was nixon, and he was attending byu for the past 3 years. when we got to the end of the lesson and asked him, "when you know that the book of mormon is true, and the teachings behind the words, and what we are teaching you is true will you be babtised? and he said no. we asked him why, and he told us that he was already babtised in africa by his leaders of his tribe, and we talked a bit but honestly i cannot remember a word i said, when he left, my companion came to me and said that the spirit basically told him to just shut up. it turns out that i gave a 30 minuet long testimony after we asked him to commit to babtism and i didnt even realize it, we also asked him if he would like to hear more about our church and its teachings he said yes and that he was available on thursday at 3:00! i thought he was just a member of our church pretending to be an investigator but it turns out that he actually was! all i know is that i taught solely on the spirit and i know it made an impact! also could you relay this on to the other family members? i have very limited time to email on p-days,, im in the mtc but i felt like i was in the mission field.! i love you and your family and i leave on the 11th of may! ill be sure to get you my address in missouri! let you family know i love them! stay sweet my brother!
Elder Dahl.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Elder Dahl is officially living in Provo for the next 3 weeks!

Our family (The Dahls) will be posting Spencer's weekly emails and pictures here for all of you to see! He has prepared himself well for his mission and is ready to serve. We love him very much and appreciate all of you that have and will support him throughout his mission!

The Dahl Family